Take Notice in accordance with Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993 that Louth County Council as Local Authority for its administrative area in exercise of the powers conferred upon Louth County Council by Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993, hereby propose to extinguish:
Laneway to rear of Shore Court from a point Aa; at its junction with R173 Alma Terrace, to a point B; 50 metres from its junction with R173 Alma Terrace.
Further Take Notice-
A map showing Laneway off Alma Terrace over which it is proposed to extinguish the right of ways will be available for public inspection from Wednesday 19th February, to Friday 21st March, 2025 via Louth County Council’s Online Consultation Portal using the following link https://consult.louthcoco.ie/ and during normal office hours at:
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A copy of map may be purchased on payment of the prescribed fee of €7.
Submissions may be made in writing to the undersigned or via Louth County Council’s Online Consultation Portal, using the following link https://consult.louthcoco.ie/, not later than 4.00 pm on Friday, 11th April, 2025.