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Tuesday, 2nd July 2024

Drone survey commissioned to determine state of the roofs in Narrow West Street

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A drone photo of the former Brady's building taken on 08/06/2024 by Anthony Murphy.

The Deputy Mayor of Drogheda, Councillor Pio Smith, has told Drogheda Life that Louth County Council have commissioned a drone survey of Narrow West Street to help determine the current state of roofs and walls in the area and this survey may well be extended to other parts of Drogheda.

“A lot of people in Drogheda have serious concerns regarding the state of Narrow West Street and want to see change in this area of town” he said.

“There has been criticism of the council recently, some justified, but it's not true to say that the council have done nothing.

“For example, since 2019 Louth County Council have spent over 13 million Euros purchasing vacant and derelict houses, the West Gate Vision is currently with An Bord Pleanala for approval, notices have been served on property owners and meetings have taken place.

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“However the council face significant difficulties in addressing dereliction due to the weakness of the Derelict Sites Act, which my colleague Ged Nash is trying to reform.

“For example, the act doesn’t define what dereliction actually is. There have been instances where property owners have installed hoarding at the front of a property to overcome the council's action in serving a derelict sites notice. “Also trees blocking the view of a property from the public realm restrict a council’s ability to serve notice. There is significant legal costs in trying to serve a derelict sites notice on property owners and the outcome is uncertain.

“There are 125 derelict and vacant buildings between Drogheda and Dundalk and it is way beyond the means of the local authority to address this number of properties.

“Also, a property owner can appeal against the decision of the council to An Bord Pleanala which can result in significant time delays and increased costs to the council.

“The bottom line is that if we want change in Narrow West Street then we need significant government funding and changes to the Derelict Site Act to get it."

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